Car-Tech Auction, Inc. - Sell your Vehicle at Car-Tech - 1-800-868-4700

Sell your vehicle at Car-Tech!

A Flexible Dealer Auto Auction with Comprehensive Services

Buying wholesale automobiles has never been easier. Car-Tech Auction, Inc. is a wholesale dealer auto auction that offers live and online bidding. We hold wholesale auto auctions every week. Call 1-800-868-4700 for more information.

Competitive Dealer Auto Auctions Worldwide. We sell all types of vehicles in our wholesale auto auctions across the globe. Whether you want to purchase a new or used car truck or suv, rebuild an auto, or use a vehicle for parts or even scrap metal, our auto auction gives you competitive deals. We sell all types of vehicles!

Three Ways to Bid. You can bid in person at our New Jersey location, via an absentee ballot or via the internet through our weekly online  auto auctions broadcasted simultaneously with the live dealer auto auctions.

Registering only takes a moment. From there, you can get in on all our great wholesale auto auction deals. Contact us today and find the autos you're looking for at  wholesale auto auction prices that can't be beat!

Buy Now!     "Get the car you want... Now!"

Buy Now at Car-Tech allows you to instantly purchase vehicles online. Registered Buyers now have access to a new purchasing program called Buy Now! The new Buy Now Sale Lists will help you select vehicles and instantly buy them. No waiting for the next sale or sale releases. All Buy Now purchases are instantly added to your account. It couldn't be any simpler. All the images and information you have access to with the regular sale lists are also available with the Buy Now sale list.

* Please note that all sales are subject to our standard auction house Terms & Conditions regarding the sale of vehicles.

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