Car-Tech Auction, Inc. - Sell your Vehicle at Car-Tech - 1-800-868-4700

Having trouble logging in?

Are you a registered member of this site?

Only registered members of this site are permitted to log in. If there is a problem with your account please contact us at 1-800-868-4700 so we may better assist you.

If you're not a registered member of this site, click on the Register link on the left.

Did you enter your Login Name and Password correctly?

Each member has a personal Login Name and Password. If you are not sure what your login name and password are, click  Forgot your password? on the login page, fill in the information, and we'll email your information to you right away.

When you enter your login name and password, make sure that you:

  • Spell your Login Name and Password correctly.
  • Enter your Password with the same use of uppercase and lowercase letters as when you created it. Passwords are case-sensitive.

Is your web browser set to allow cookies?

In order to log in, your web browser must be set to allow cookies. Cookies are small pieces of information that your browser stores on your computer's hard drive. Our site uses cookies to verify that you are a valid registered member. The cookies we use remain on your computer only while you are logged in.

See below for tips on checking whether your browser is set to allow cookies:

Internet Explorer  Internet Explorer 6.x, 7.x, 8.x

  1. Select Tools > Internet Options.

  2. Click the Privacy tab.

  3. Change your Privacy settings to Medium-High or below using the slider or by clicking the Default button.

  4. Click OK to close the Security Settings dialog box, and then click OK to close the Internet Options dialog box.

Firefox  Firefox 3.5, 3.6

Is your web browser set to allow JavaScript?

In order to log in and use certain parts of our website, your web browser must be set to allow JavaScript. Our site uses JavaScript to enhance your browsing experience. You will not be able to Bid online unless it is enabled.

See below for tips on checking whether your browser is set to allow JavaScript:

Internet Explorer  Internet Explorer 6.x, 7.x, 8.x

  1. Select Tools > Internet Options.

  2. Click the Security tab.

  3. Click the Internet (earth icon) in the Select a zone window.

  4. Change your Privacy settings to Medium-High or below using the slider or by clicking the Default level button.

  5. Click OK to close the Security Settings dialog box, and then click OK to close the Internet Options dialog box.

Firefox  Firefox 3.5, 3.6

Is your web browser set to allow Pop-ups?

In order to bid online your browser must be set to allow Pop-up windows. You will not be able to Bid online unless your browser allows the bid window Pop-up to open.

See below for tips on checking whether your browser is set to allow Pop-up Windows:

Internet Explrere  Internet Explorer 7.x, 8.x

  1. Select Tools > Internet Options.

  2. Click the Privacy tab.

  3. Click the Settings button under the Pop-up Blocker section.

  4. Select a Blocking level of Medium Block most automatic pop-ups or below.

  5. Click Close to close the Pop-up Blocker Settings dialog box, and then click OK to close the Internet Options dialog box.

Firefox  Firefox 3.5, 3.6

Are your Bidding Privileges Temporarily Suspended?

 A blocked icon in place of the Join Internet Bidding link indicates that Bidding Privileges have been temporarily suspended. This can occur for various reasons. The most likely cause is payment due.

Please contact Customer Support at 1-800-868-4700 immedietely so that we may help to resolve the problem and get your Bididng Privileges restored.

Are you locked out of your account?

If you have tried all of the above and you still can't acces your account, please contact our customer support team at the number below for further assistance.

Car-Tech Customer Support 1-800-868-4700

Click here to return to the login page.